Posts by: Courtney C

Prepaid Rent & Selling of Assets
1. Could you explain how prepaid expenses are accounted for and the impact on the financial statements? I am looking at the Morgan Supplies Company example and wondering how you would know to expense the 28? 2. if you purchased a machine for $34,000 in cash during 2013 and after depreciation t... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Marketable Securities
Hi, 1. How do the different classifications of Marketable Securities impact the Income statement and the Cash Flow statement? 2. Can you explain how companies would game Marketable Securities? He mentioned how a company may try to switch it from as available for sale or held to maturity? T... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Bonds Issued at a discount
Hi there-- I have a question from the video Part 2 Liabilities and Debt Accounting. On slide 318 it discusses accounting for bonds issued at a discount using the straight line method-- the numbers on the slide do not match the numbers in the video. coupon rate=6%, 10 year bonds sold for $863,700 and... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Capitalization of interest
Hi- referring back to accounting bootcamp lectures, can you explain capitalization of interest, how it impacts the financial statements and how it ties in with deferred taxes? Also, if there are any additional videos on this topic, please let me know. Thank you.
Go to post added 10 years ago