
The Wall St. Training Certificate can be granted to both classroom training and self–study clients who have successfully completed our financial modeling, valuation, M&A and LBO courses. It is an official document that confirms your completion of WST courses, as well as certifies that you have a full understanding and solid grasp of our finance topics, application of modeling, and valuation skills. There are two types of Certification: (i) WST Certification of Competency and (ii) WST Verification of Completion.

WST Verification of Completion is a cost-effective alternative to WST Certification. It is similar to WST Certification except that instead of being given a brand-new set of case study financial models, we will check your completed financial models from the self-study video exercises. Thus, a WST Verification of Completion simply verifies that you have successfully completed the video exercises. Since the answers are fully provided, cell-by-cell, formula-by-formula, it is our expectation that all submissions should be 100% accurate and correct. The WST Verification of Completion does not test one’s ability to apply the concepts learned to a new problem set, but merely that one has followed the video instructions correctly.

Levels and courses for which WST Verification of Completion are available mirror the structure above for WST Certification with the exception of Level I, which is not available, since the answer videos are provided in Level I.

For full description and details, please go to: http://www.wstselfstudy.com/certification.html


Last 10 posts

a question about the certificat?ion
When we calculate a ratio which compares a BS account (such as receivable) with an income, we should use the average of the BS account instead of the ending balance. In the course, Mr. Lin uses the ending balance for the training purpose. For the certification of advanced financial modeling, should ... Read More
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