Package: Super-Complex M&A LBO Modeling

Take your modeling skills to an unmatched level: build full-blown, fully-integrated, merger & LBO models that slap together the complete target + acquiror model into the extremely robust merger model. The integrated full-blown LBO model allows the target to be acquired or LBO'ed. This is among the most advanced models out there. Period. End of story.


Last 10 posts

Following up to my (Peter) question RE: Complex LBO Modeling Enhancements - Mezzanine / Warrants Holder Investor Returns
A follow-up to my previous question, it just occurred to me : Did you mean ==> if the warrants conversion right is exercised, then the annual Cash Flow prior to the Exit Year will be = Common Dividends Received * E102 (Equity due to Warrants) + Mezzanine Notes - Cash Interest; and ==> Exit Y... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
Complex LBO Modeling Enhancements - Mezzanine / Warrant Holder Investment Return (with PIK and Warrants)
I am confused by your comment re: "if warrants are converted..." ==> Does it mean that If conversion right is exercised and warrants are converted to equity interest based upon the conversion ratio, my Total Equity Interest will then be = (1) % of equity due to warrants conversion to equity inte... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
What is Happening to "Existing Debt Tranche 1" in the "Debt Sweep" Worksheet, if "Refinance Option 3 - Refinance All-Existing Debt" is selected for Switch Cell "W3" in the LBO Summary?
I have just finished Complex LBO & Enhancements module and encountered this problem below. In the "LBO Summary" worksheet, if the "Refinance Option 3 – Refinance All-Existing Debt Refinanced” is selected for switch cell "W3", I then thought the “Existing Debt – Tranche 1” in the Debt Sw... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
Super-Advanced Merger Modeling - IS
I just finished the "Super-Advanced Merger Modeling IS" module. I have two questions: (1) Line 28, Amortization of Transaction Debt Financing Fees => Since "Transaction Debt Financing Fees" is a financing decision = It does not affect EBITDA => Therefore, it should not be included in the EBITDA... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
LBO Model -LBO Summary 1 Option 7 Shares Outstanding Section Cell Number AA39 - Outstanding Amount at Strike price of $33.00
Per JCP FYE 1/29/2005 (FY 2004) 10-K, page 40, Footnote 15 Stock-Based Compensation, Stock Options sub-section, the table lists Stock Options Outstanding at strike price of $33.00 is "5,668". However, in the video presentation, your input was "5,688", resulting in FDSO under Deal to be "276.128... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
Illustrative Valuation Summary Section
For the "Enterprise Value as a Multiple of:" part of the Illustrative Valuation Summary Section, I understand why we are going off the pasted values for the 'current' column of multiples, but not for the 'transaction' column; wouldn't we want to divide the 'transaction' column's Equity Value and Ent... Read More
Go to post added 8 years ago
Complex LBO Modeling Course (Super Complex M&A Modeling Course)
I am seriously thinking of purchasing this package. I already have a good understanding on LBO's and advance knowledge of excel modeling. However, is it necessary for me to go through Package 6 before going through the "Super-Complex" course? Perhaps there is a model built in LBO Course (Package... Read More
Go to post added 9 years ago
EPS adjustments
The diluted EPS reported on p.57 of the pdf. is 0.95 vs the 0.97 we get from dividing NI by DSO. This is because the net income is adjusted for 2 items (1) preferred stock dividends (2) interest on convertible debt. I understand that item 1 is often paid after net income on the P&L. But why isn't it... Read More
Go to post added 9 years ago
Super-advanced merger modeling
Hi there, Could you please explain me in more detail what is the rationale behind those percentages on cells F42:F44 used to allocate the purchase price in the Super-advanced merger modeling? (2). To be more specific, why is it a percentage of Equity and not a percentage of the purchase price??? (... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Merger modeling - Purchase price allocation
Hi there, a couple of doubts here: 1. In the purchase price allocation, why do we allocate the excess (Purchase price of equity – Tangible Book value) without the transaction costs? Any specific rule here? 2. In the same purchase price allocation, shouldn’t we have to add a line in that purcha... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago