Package 3: Advanced Financial Modeling

Take everything to the next level as we build upon the basic & core concepts to cover the fundamental financial modeling concepts that one must be master in order to perform the minimum financial analysis required. We will make you "super-stars" in Excel and modeling techniques by plowing deep into building robust, integrated models and properly analyzing the results of our models.


Last 10 posts

Add-ins issue
I could not install the Add-ins as my excel prompts "not responding"
Go to post added 4 years ago
why Revolver is reduced after you put 6000$ in cash in 2006 ? Please answer urgently thank you
why Revolver is reduced after you put 6000$ in cash in 2006 ? Please answer urgently thank you
Go to post added 6 years ago
gordon growth number
Hi for the gordon growth number g say using global GDP growth rate of 2%, 1. has this already included inflation? 2. if yes, then you just add the global inflation rate? 3. If you were to include inflation, then does that mean you need to adjust your whole model (projection of 3 financial stat... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
including inflation in the model
Hi, when projecting a listed company for long short funds so I guess you won't have access to management unless through participating in earnings call, 1. How do you include inflation in the model? Is this at both the revenue and costs side? Is it necessary to do that? Not sure if listed companies... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
measuring capital charge
Hi from the course, I see that you are using total capital to calculate capital charge. I was reading up on Damodaran's explanation on this as well and don't understand that, can you elaborate? "In cases where firms alter their capital invested through their operating decisions (for example, by usin... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
Negative EVA
Hi I revised the calculation on EVA using Rirchard S's method as per the prior thread below, however this yields negative EVA through the projection years hence TV as % of TEV is >100%, I guess this renders EVA useless in valuing the company right? Which also means from EVA perspective, it is re... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
DCF - can you project with a change in capital structure
Hi When pitching a stock for long/short funds: 1. Say the company has debt repayment schedule, in addition to using trading comps, I thought of using DCF as a sanity check or to extrapolate a few data points for valuation. Say the management announced debt repayment schedule in the next few yea... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
residual income (application in real life) - 4 questions
Hi 1. is there a scenario where residual income will be helpful in valuing a publicly listed company? 2. What would be the objective of using residual income in such scenario? 3. is this method more useful for valuing certain sectors? 4. would it be helpful in valuing any listed company in... Read More
Go to post added 7 years ago
mid month convention for real estate (new capex)
why do you use month 7 for year 1 and then month 8 for year 2 to 5? Why not use month 8 for year 2, month 9 for year 3 etc?
Go to post added 7 years ago
mid month convention for real estate (new capex)
why do you use month 7 for year 1 and then month 8 for year 2 to 5? Why not use month 8 for year 2, month 9 for year 3 etc?
Go to post added 7 years ago