Finance 101 - Introduction to Finance

Last 10 posts

No Growth Model and Gordon Growth Model
Hi there, Why is it that capital gains are not mentioned in the equations for the Gordon Growth Model and No Growth Model? Thanks!
Go to post added 6 years ago
Finance 101: DDM?
Hi Hamilton, you mentioned that the DDM is a theoretical model not usually used by investment banks. What cash flows do investment banks typically use then and how do you attain them? Also, I was wondering what the difference between the coupon and YTM rate is? Does the coupon rate simply not ... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Finance 101: Calculator
Hello, I am going to buy a calculator - can anyone recommend? Should I go for financial or scientific? Thanks, Adrian
Go to post added 10 years ago
DDM is not used in practice?
Regarding page 22 slides, I wanted to clarify DDM is not used in practice (but is a mere theoretical PV concept)? Or is it used in practice if DPS makes up large % of EPS? Package 1: Basic & Fundamental Concepts Finance 101 - Introduction to Finance
Go to post added 10 years ago