Merger Modeling Basics

Last 10 posts

"Share Repurchases" video online at under FREE EXHIBITS
Hi In the last Q&A you refer to the free "Share Repurchases" video online at under FREE EXHIBITS to have a better understanding of the opportunity cost of funding Capital structure components. I can`t find the video. Could you please help? Thank you
Go to post added 7 years ago
Quick SGA question from basic accretion/dilution model
Hi, Some time ago I posted this question in the basic accretion dilution model. [quote:1sxzkh33]Hi, This might be a dumb question: Why are we using the 2005E for EPS, PE, and net income but SGA from 2004A? Posted: 10/8/2008 9:13:27 PM ========== Not a dumb question! You are calculating acc... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Questions on basic Accretion/Dilution model
1. Goodwill: since GW is not amortised whatever the case I was a little confused that you use the terminology of GW amortisation. The US 338 election may allow a tax credit amortisation but I remain confused here slightly. If there is no GW amortisation allowed anywhere in the world then you should ... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Implied P/E of debt
Can you further explain implied P/E of debt for the Acquiror? I have read this response and have watched the video but need further explanation than “Don't forget, multiples (5x) are inverses of percentages (20%) and that's mathmatical in nature. $100 x 5x is the same as $100 / 20%.” I don’t ... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
AD analysis left-field questions
I had a few side/random questions from the accretion dilution analysis. Finance ONLY purchase price equity (& NOT EV), as quick/dirty model/anal? In other words, I would think that financing would FUND EV (if there is debt, that debt would most likely be refinanced/ repaid/retired, or less co... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Ability to Pay Analysis
- the Net Income of $10m is the Target company Net Income? Not sure here since Change in NI assumes NIL accretion/dilution at break even PE, right? If so then it would be NI of Target & Acquiror since accretion/dilution is calculated on the new NI? Confused here - If it is Target NI then why is ... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Merger Modeling Basics: the question about the Fees
I have question about the place we can add the deal fees on the pro forma statement, in your presentation, you simply added the fees on the acquiring firm's pro forma debt balance, why you cann't split up the amount, put 50% of the fees on debt and 50% on equity. great thanks.
Go to post added 10 years ago
Merger Modeling Basics: EPS x Net Income
Hi, I have a doubt in relation to EPS and Net Income used in the model: why does the instructor mention that the multiplication of the EPS by the # of diluted shares outstanding to come to the Net Income is not accurate/precise? Also, if we are building a stand alone DCF valuation model that may ... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Merger Modeling Basics: Synergies and Cash PE question
Hi there, Here is my question: Why are we calculating the Purchase price (Equity Value) in this model based on the target's Net Income affected by synergies? If we look at the Accretion / Dilution model, we calculated the implied PE based on the Purchase price and target's EPS (without any synerg... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago
Merger Modeling Basics: Synergies and Cash PE question
Hi there, Here is my question: Why are we calculating the Purchase price (Equity Value) in this model based on the target's Net Income affected by synergies? If we look at the Accretion / Dilution model, we calculated the implied PE based on the Purchase price and target's EPS (without any synerg... Read More
Go to post added 10 years ago