Marketable Securities


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Carrying value
Hi, in the example problem part 2, you say that the carrying value on April 1st is 10,075,000 and therefore the gain is $3,000. How did you get 10,075,000. From my understanding, the carrying value is the face value-amortization of discount, so I am unsure how to get the carrying value in this examp... Read More
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added 7 years ago
Straight Line Instead of Effective Interest?
Hi, Would you like us to always amortize the discount/premium using the straight line approach or should we sometimes use the effective interest method? Thanks for the assistance.
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added 9 years ago
Marketable Securities
Hi, 1. How do the different classifications of Marketable Securities impact the Income statement and the Cash Flow statement? 2. Can you explain how companies would game Marketable Securities? He mentioned how a company may try to switch it from as available for sale or held to maturity? T... Read More